Monday, July 28, 2008

"No Nannette! Make you Sick!" - Abstinence

My Grandson Carson is allergic to milk. There are lots of foods he can’t eat for fear he might have a dangerous and possibly even deadly allergic reaction. We’ve known about this problem since he was about 6 months old. When he was first learning to communicate and he wanted to eat something his siblings were enjoying that contained milk his mom would tell him in simple terms, “No Carson! It will make you sick.” One day I was tending him along with his brother and sister and I passed out the snacks a grandma resorts to when the tending gets a little rough. I accidentally offered Carson a cheese stick. He looked up at me with his two year old bright eyes and said, “No, Carson! Make you sick!”

In each of our lives there is something we specifically cannot partake of or participate in because it makes us sick. We can become sick physically and we can become sick spiritually. Like Carson we may even look about and see others partaking of this substance or participating in this activity with no visible side effects, when in honesty for us the consequence of physical and spiritual death are a very real possibility.

When Carson’s mom tells him that he can’t have something because it might make him sick he accepts the news and takes what she offers him instead. And when someone offers him something and he knows it falls into the “bad for Carson” category he declines.

I want to grow up and be like Carson. When no grown up is around to run interference for me (which is often the case at my age) and the voice of God’s Spirit is all that lies between me and destruction big or small, I want to be like Carson and be willing and made able to decline. “No Nannette! Make you sick.”

By Nannette W.
Written Saturday, November 25, 2006
Posted Monday, July 28, 2008

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