Tuesday, December 9, 2008

“An Effectual Struggle” - 12 Step Work

In all scripture the word “delivered” appears 939 times. I have come to understand that the scriptures, and specifically the Book of Mormon, are the Lord’s handbook of instructions for being delivered from captivity, from bondage of any kind, through His power. The Book of Mormon is the handbook for being released from the bondage of compulsive and addictive behavior. It is the most powerful recovery literature on the earth.

Early in my recovery experience I purchased a new copy of the Book of Mormon and 12 colored pencils and began to underline my scriptures for the 12 Steps. My study became delightful as the Spirit helped me see that the principles represented by the steps are taught on every page of the Book of Mormon.

I love the following verse. These are the words of Limhi to his people. They are people who have done things that have resulted in debilitating bondage. Because of the loss of their freedom and the severity of their conditions they finally humble themselves before the Lord. This is different than just being miserable, sad, and angry. The Lord responds and sends Ammon to fortify them with Gospel truth and direction that will eventually result in their being delivered out of the hands of their enemy.

These are Limhi’s words to his people as he gathers them together with newfound hope:
“…O ye, my people, lift up your heads and be comforted; for behold, the time is at hand, or is not far distant, when we shall no longer be in subjection to our enemies, notwithstanding our many strugglings, which have been in vain; yet I trust there remaineth an effectual struggle to be made”. (Mosiah 7:18)

I can’t say it any better that Limhi, so I take the liberty of taking his instruction to his enslaved people for myself: “Lift up your head and be comforted Nannette. The time is not far distant when you will not be in subjection to the enemy of compulsive/addictive behavior. Much of your past struggle has been in vain, “of no value, unsuccessful, conceited” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Your successes have been short lived at best.”

Limhi closes this verse by telling his people that there will be struggle ahead, but that this time the struggle will not be in vain. This time, their struggle, their work will be “effectual.” The word “effectual” means “producing or capable of producing desired results, effective, or efficient” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). What a wonderful promise.

When recovery WORK gets challenging I take heart from the words of Limhi, “…yet I trust there remaineth an effectual struggle to be made.” A struggle - Yes! Work - Yes! But, this time will be different. This time my work, my struggle will be effective. It will bring freedom from the tyranny of addiction. 12 Step work is an “EFFECTUAL” struggle!

By Nannette W.
Posted Monday, December 8, 2008

Copyright 2008 by Nannette W. All right reserved. Making or sending copies is permitted if the page is not changed in any way and the material is not used for profit. This notice must be included on each copy made or sent.

1 comment:

Matt T. said...

This principle is so empowering. No one likes to struggle, but struggling in futility is truly unbearable. To know that my struggle is effectual gives me strength and hope. It tells me that my present discomfort has a greater purpose--like the burn I feel at the end of a workout. I am exhausted for good. It transforms difficulty into satisfaction. Thanks for enlightening me on this verse. It is a principle of power that I had not previously contemplated.