Saturday, August 2, 2008

Maybe Progress is Perfection

Today as I walked into school I was met with true elation. Five-year-old Ethan ran into my arms ecstatic over an event that had just occurred at recess. Jake, his hero, his older by 6 years and a near home school graduate had spent the thirty minute brake preparing Ethan to have a “first.” “Grandma, Grandma, I caught my first ball from far away! A baseball! I can’t believe it!” The event was so joyous to Ethan that he told his Heavenly Father about it during the home school closing prayer. Right after “Thanks that we could learn about Abraham” and before “Thanks for recess” Ethan thanked God for the monumental catch.

There was another “first” today, for Kylee. Age five is so full of them. The little band of learners had been challenged to express on paper, at their own one room schoolhouse level, the definition of the word covenant. There was a scurry as the children each worked to express theirs thoughts in sentences, or a few simple words, or with a simple drawing of a child and a Heavenly Father, together, making an agreement. Suddenly and unexpected a little girl squealed out with joy, “That’s the first word I ever spelled all by myself.” Words cannot do justice to the sound of her voice and the look on her face. It was so stunning a moment that all work ceased and all attention turned to her moment of joyful success. With eyes aglow and a smile extended to maximum she exclaimed, “I spelled the word ‘promise’ all by myself!”

How far was Ethan from the ball he caught. I don’t know. I only know that is was his best catch yet. I do however know a little more about the spelling of Kylee’s word. My adult curiosity got the best of me and during the excitement I snuck close enough to catch a peek at the celebrated word. Thinking that her excitement came over spelling the word perfectly I was taken back as I looked at the word on the paper. Promise spelled “parmas.” This was the first word she had ever attempted to sound out and put on paper…. and we were all there. A kind of joyful awe seemed to fill the space.

Kylee and Ethan know something that I’ve forgotten. I’m afraid I have a few too many years under my belt. For them progress is perfection. It’s the next perfection for them, and that is all that matters. In the moment of taking a brand new step forward there is no comparing, down playing or wishing for more, only joy and appreciation. The next time I take a mini step forward in some aspect of living I want to celebrate like a child, like it’s the biggest deal ever, because it is! It’s my biggest deal ever! Any progress is my next perfection.

AA Slogan- “We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection.” (Alcoholics Anonymous 60)

LDS Scripture – “… I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little...” (Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 28:30)

By Nannette W.
Written Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Posted Saturday August 2, 2008

Copyright 2008 by Nannette W. All right reserved.
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