Sunday, October 5, 2008

Labor and Delivery, The Picture of Grace – All Steps

In bringing forth my first child my most vivid memory is of laboring until I was completely spent. Finally the doctor, with only a baby’s face in view said, “It’s too pretty to be a boy.” Even at this joyous moment I was filled with despair. I started to cry and told the Dr. and my husband that I was totally incapable of pushing the rest of her out. In my exhausted, uneducated, frightened mind I could not imagine where I would get the strength to push the rest of the baby through the birth canal. I multiplied the amount of pain and work I had given to see her little face by the length of her entire body. I knew I was spent and was filled with despair. Everyone in the room had a good laugh at my first time mother naivety. The doctor asked me to push one more time and she slid right out. The joy and relief that came were overwhelming. I had given all I had to the task at hand and had been required to give no more. This event symbolizes the feelings of joy and gratitude a moments grace can bring.

Grace is God’s enabling power that helps us do something or continue doing something good we would not be able to do on our own. It is available to us because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. A good earthly parent encourages and allows a child to do all that he or she can but is always willing to step in and assist when a task lies outside the child’s range of experience. So it is with God as he parents me. He is the consummate Good Parent. He is totally aware of my potential, but He also understands exactly what I am capable of right now. His grace is sufficient for all of us, in all aspects of living. We humbly put our hand to the work He has asked us to do. As the burdens of life begin to break our backs, we abandon any pride or self-will and call out to Him. As we lean on Him, He lifts our load and make our burdens lighter and easier to bear. Our relationship with the Lord is born, and fueled, and sustained as we place our weary selves in His loving strong hands. It's all about Labor and Delivery!

By Nannette W.
Posted Sunday, October 5, 2008

Copyright 2008 by Nannette W. All right reserved.
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